The Ritual of Transfer for Mercy Community Services SEQ Limited (MCS SEQ Ltd) to Mercy Partners was celebrated on Wednesday 11 April at St Vincent’s Chapel Nudgee. Over 100 guests including Sisters of Mercy, Mercy Community Board Members and staff, Mercy Partners Councillors and Stewards and guests from Mater, All Hallows’ School and Holy Cross Laundry joined the Congregation Leadership Team for prayer and light refreshments following at Happy Haven, Nudgee.
During the Ritual of Transfer guests were reminded of what had informed the Congregation Leadership Team’s decision, ‘By transferring Mercy Community Services SEQ Limited to Mercy Partners, the Sisters of Mercy, Brisbane Congregation has ensured this ministry will continue to be conducted in the name of the Catholic Church and will remain within Mercy values that find expression in policy and practice. MCS SEQ Ltd will continue to enable the liberating and life giving mercy of God to continue to be experienced by people who are poor, vulnerable, marginalised or in a position of disadvantage’. The readings from Isaiah and John, the ritual actions of pouring and gathering water and the singing of the mantra ‘Eternal is Your Love’ were each invitations for guest to remember and welcome God’s ever-present faithfulness, to embrace the gifts of Mercy and to tell and revision the sacred story of Mercy. To mark the transfer of canonical sponsorship from the Congregation to Mercy Partners, Dr Ray Campbell received from Catherine Reuter rsm a large glass bowl of gathered water symbol of Mercy Community’s ministering over 157 years and in fidelity to Mercy Partners vision and mission to dare Mercy in new ways.
Ritual in St. Vincent's Chapel, Nudgee
Sr Catherine Reuter signing Transfer Documents in presence of Congregation Leadership Team
and Dr. Ray Campbell from Mercy Partners