A building can be referred to in a number of ways with a variety of names. Those who refer to this building as Park Road usually mean it as a storage facility. Others have named it by its uses as offices e.g. the Social Justice Office or the SAO office or AWD office or its original reason for purchase as the Mater Art Union Office.
When it was no longer needed for this purpose the Sisters of Mercy decided to give it a new purpose i.e. to provide a place at less than commercial rents for community groups focussing on Justice and Peace initiatives and activities. Hence the name Justice Place , but Justice Place is more than a venue, more than a space, more than rooms, it is about
- the networking people and building relationships
- a hive of activity,
- the buzz of conversations,
- the support both personal and professional given to each
- a place of meeting of many cultures and belief systems, a meeting place for groups on the margins of our society and for those who care about our planet.
Justice Place represents a microcosm of society and a witness to collaborative cooperative ventures.
This 20 year event is an opportunity for you who work or meet here to highlight the justice focus of this place.
Take time to look at and to listen to the walls of this house for they have many stories tell - stories of many groups of committed activists, stories of diverse cultures, interreligious dialogue, of our indigenous sisters and brothers and different world events and issues. By telling the stories these walls hold a community together and proclaim Justice Place.
Congratulations to all of you who make these walls and these rooms come alive with ideas, hopes and dreams, with practical action and steps taken to advocate on behalf of justice.
Happy 20th Birthday.